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Our Daily Beatles podcast stopped

Due to terms still being under negotiation, our own lawyers have advised us to pull back the podcasts containing The Beatles music.

The Beatles i 1969

Read the full story here: NRK Pulls Our Daily Beatles Podcast


The original article about the podcast:

During this month NRK (The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation) will be podcasting the documentary series of "Vår daglige Beatles", - "Our Daily Beatles", that chronologically tells a short story of every Beatles original 212 releases, along with the song in its entirety. The documentaries was broadcasted in the radioprogram “Norgesglasset” on NRK radio.

NRK has a newly signed deal with the Norwegian music rights holders TONO, allowing us to podcast previously broadcasted radioshows containing less than 70 percent music. Podcast scontaining music is available for four weeks from publishing date.

212 episodes

Bård Ose og Finn Tokvam

Bård Ose and Finn Tokvam.

Foto: Sigurd Hamre / NRK

In this series from 2007, NRK-journalists Finn Tokvam og Bård Ose gives the background and the history of the song, followed by the song.

The Beatles recorded 211 songs during their time as a band, and the 212th song presentet was the holiday song "Christmas Time Is Here Again", released on the "Free as a Bird" single in 1995.

- We presented them consecutively, as they where published, the A-side before the B-side. At the same time we give the background of each melody, related to places, persons and events that have given inspiration to the writing of each melody, said Mr. Ose.

NRK made extracts from "Our Daily Beatles" available as a podcast in 2007. It became a huge success even without the music.

The podcast is not available at the moment. Please check back for updates.

Our Daily Beatles background: Our Daily Beatles


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