Hopp til innhold
Arne Flatin, NRK Møre og Romsdal

Information in Polish about NRK

Prezentacja w języku polskim NRK - Norweskiego Przedsiębiorstwa Rozpowszechniania Informacji drogą radiową i telewizyjną/Informasjon om NRK på polsk/ Information about The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) in Polish.

Arne Flatin, NRK Møre og Romsdal

Information in French about NRK

Résumé en Français sur la Société de radio- et télédiffusion norvégienne (NRK)/Informasjon om NRK på fransk/Summary in French, about the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK).

Arne Flatin, NRK Møre og Romsdal

Information in German about NRK

Zusammenfassung in Deutsch über den Norwegischen Rundfunk (NRK)/Informasjon på tysk om NRK/Summary in German, about the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK).

Info in Finnish about NRK

Suomenkielinen tiivistelmä Norjan yleisradio NRK:sta/Informasjon om NRK på finsk/Summary in Finnish, about the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK).

Arne Flatin, NRK Møre og Romsdal

About NRK in urdu

کا مقصد لوگو کو ایک کرنا ہے NRK/Informasjon om NRK på urdu/ Information about The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) in urdu.

NRK Finnmark heises om bord

A World-Class Publisher

NRK's Strategy states that the NRK should aim to be a world-class publisher.


Bylaws for NRK AS

Articles of Association for Norsk Rikskringkasting AS - NRK.

Kringkastingssjef Vibeke Fürst Haugen

NRK's Organization

Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation - NRK - is organised under nine Departments with Vibeke Fürst Haugen as Director General. Here you also find the NRK Organization Chart.

Jon Skolmen og Trond Kirkvaag åpner farge-tv

NRK's History in Brief

The first step was taken towards broadcasting in Norway in 1923 as a series of test broadcasts were made from Tryvann and Kongensgate in Oslo.