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BBC trekker nettartikkel

Trafigura har fått BBC til å trekke en nettartikkel for programmet Newsnight. Selskapet saksøkte BBC for injurier etter en fjernsynssending og en artikkel på BBC sine nettsider i mai i år.

Opprydning etter Probo Koala i Elfenbenskysten

BBC Newsnight trekker idag en artikkel fra sine nettsider. I tillegg må de dementere i programmet Newsnight, at de hevdet at Probo Koalas avfall førte til død og alvorlige sykdomstilfeller i Elfenbenskysten.

Etter at BBC Newsnight publiserte denne artikkelen og et fjernsynsinnslag i mai 2009, ble de umiddelbart saksøkt for injurier av Trafigura.

Trafigura inngikk tidligere i høst forlik med over 30.000 ofre fra Elfenbenskysten. I dette forliket slåes det fast at avfallet fra Probo Koala ikke kunne ha ført til død og alvorlig sykdom.

Press statement on Trafigura from the BBC

The BBC has played a leading role in bringing to the public's attention the actions of Trafigura in the illegal dumping of 500 tons of hazardous waste in Abidjan in 2006. The dumping caused a public health emergency with tens of thousands of people seeking treatment.

Last month, Trafigura agreed to pay victims of the waste around £30 million in compensation, having previously paid compensation of over £100 million to the Ivory Coast government.Trafigura brought libel proceedings against the BBC over one aspect of its reporting: claims that the waste had caused deaths, miscarriages and serious long term health effects. An official Ivory Coast Government report into the incident had stated that people had died because of the waste and a recent United Nations report also found that there was strong prima facie evidence linking the waste to a number of deaths.

Last month Trafigura agreed to pay victims of the waste around £30 million in compensation for sickness suffered. However, the experts in that case were not able to establish a link between the waste and serious long term consequences including deaths.

In light of this, the BBC acknowledges that the evidence does not establish that Trafigura's slops caused deaths, miscarriages or serious or long term injuries. Accordingly, the BBC has withdrawn those allegations and has agreed to broadcast an appropriate apology on Newsnight. The BBC will pay £25,000 to a charity of Trafigura's choice.

Last month Trafigura agreed to pay victims of the waste around £30 million in compensation for sickness suffered. However, the experts in that case were not able to establish a link between the waste and serious long term consequences including deaths.

In light of this, the BBC acknowledges that the evidence does not establish that Trafigura's slops caused deaths, miscarriages or serious or long term injuries. Accordingly, the BBC has withdrawn those allegations and has agreed to broadcast an appropriate apology on Newsnight. The BBC will pay £25,000 to a charity of Trafigura's choice.