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Ber Obama stoppe USA-ambassade

Ambassademotstanderne på Huseby ber Barack Obama om hjelp til å stoppe utbyggingen.

USAs president Barack Obama
Foto: Alex Brandon / AP

USAs ambassadeplaner på Huseby er drevet av George W. Bush' frykt, skriver aksjonistene i personlig brev til president Obama.

(Les hele brevet nederst i artikkelen)

Ambassademotstanderne på Huseby tapte i Høyesterett, og onsdag blir siste forsøk på å stanse planene politisk i Oslo kommune avvist.

Les også: Det blir ambassade på Huseby

Siste krampetrekning

Som en siste krampetrekning har leder for Aksjon Vern Husebyskogen, Margrethe Geelmuyden, skrevet et følelsesladet brev til USAs president Barack Obama.

E-posten med bønn om å stanse planene er sendt på vegne av ti naboorganisasjoner.

I brevet skriver Geelmuyden at hun henvender seg til Obama fordi norske politikere hører på ham i stedet for å følge sine egne hjerter, og sine egne velgere.

Ble inspirert av Steinfeld

Etter at Høyesterett hadde bestemt at USA fikk bygge, var Margrethe Geelmuyden gjest i NRK-programmet Dagsnytt 18.

Hun var selvfølgelig skuffet over avgjørelsen, og under intervjuet spurte programleder Hans-Wilhelm Steinfeld om de hadde vurdert å sette inn et lobbyfremstøt mot den nye presidenten.

- Det var en god idé, vi burde kanskje prøve, svarte Geelmuyden under intervjuet.

- Du får den helt gratis, sa Steinfeld.



Deretter ble altså brevet sendt. Hovedbudskapet i det er at prosjektet ble startet av administrasjonen til Obamas forgjenger George W. Bush og er drevet av frykt.

Den planlagte ambassaden blir derfor karakterisert som et monument over George Bush' frykt-politikk og et panikk-palass, .

- Vi forstår ikke hvorfor lederen for den frie verden må gjemme seg inne i en fengselslignende festning i et fredelig land som Norge, står det i brevet.

Den nye amerikanske ambassaden

Her på Huseby skal den nye ambassaden ligge.

Foto: Arkitekttegning: Runar Kolnes/Spor arkitekter


Geelmuyden skriver at Bush-planen innebærer å okkupere 40 mål av den vakre Husebyskogen, som i seksti år har vært et offentlig friområde der barn og voksne leker, trener, lufter hundene sine, går på ski og plukker bær og blomster.

- Vi forstår ikke hvorfor lederen for den frie verden må gjemme seg inne i en fengselslignende festning i et fredelig land som Norge, står det i brevet.

Tror Obama lytter

Margrethe Geelmuyden sier til NRK Østlandssendingen at hun har tro på at Barack Obama vil lytte til argumentene hennes, og stoppe ambassadebyggingen.

- Dette prosjektet er stikk i strid med alt den nye amerikanske administrasjonen står for. Det representerer fortiden, som de ettertrykkelig tar avstand fra, sier hun.

Les også: Stoltenberg griper inn

Arbeiderpartiet avblåser omkampen


Dear President Obama,

We address you because our politicians follow you. They do not follow their hearts or their voters, they follow you.

You have been president only for a little over five months. We, in this community, have for five years tried to stop a project that was started - not by you, but by George W. Bush.

Like other projects started by the Bush administration, this one destroys the environment, it is driven by fear, and it defies good values of freedom and equality that Americans and Norwegians share.

If the US embassy in Oslo is built as planned, you will raise a monument over the fear policy of George Bush in Oslo. We hope that you will stop that.

The Bush plan is to occupy 10 acres, or 40 000 square meters of the beautiful Huseby forest. For the last sixty years the forest has been a public park where kids and grownups play, train, walk their dogs, ski and pick berries and wildflowers. You will fence in the park, and build a stronghold, protected by a tall steel fence, half a mile long. The US diplomats need protection from terrorists.

We do not understand why the leader of the free world needs to hide inside a prison-like fortress, in a peaceful place like Norway. We do not understand why America need twice as much security space here as in London, or even more space than in Kabul, Afghanistan. Norway is an open and peaceful country. We have never had attacks by terrorists.

The fright of George Bush had no limits. If we are to be that frightened, we have to move away from here when the embassy moves in. We will have to close down the sports halls that lie across the street. The embassy is built to survive a giant bomb. Our houses or sports facilities are not. It is, in fact, civilians, not diplomats that get killed when embassies are attacked.

Saving the Huseby forest may seem like a small environmental issue. But to us it is of huge importance in our everyday lives. And when it comes to taking care of our environment, it is the sum of small destructions that makes the large impact.

Some people have said that we are a “not in my back yard movement” That is not true. We hoped that the new embassy could be raised half a mile west of the chosen lot.

It is not true that we do not want USA diplomats in our neighbourhood. We welcome US diplomats, not only in our back yard, but also in our front yard. We welcome all Americans, diplomats or not. You are welcome to walk on our streets, to ride our trains, to study in our schools, to play Frisbee in our park and to sing in our churches. You are welcome to visit our homes, stay over for dinner or for the night.

But you are not welcome to destroy a public park though dictating our politicians. You are not welcome to construct a palace of panic in a community based on trust, openness and caring. And you are not welcome to put up a monument saying; “Hey terrorists, this way! We are really scared, and we are hiding here!”, next door to a sports hall, where 2000 Norwegian children train every week.

We understand that the new US administration wants change. Change from the politics of fear. This is an opportunity to demonstrate change that we can believe in. It is an opportunity to stop a project that has George W. Bush written all over it and that will stay in our city for at least one hundred years.

Please show some common sense. Find a civilized solution for the new US embassy in Oslo.

We don’t want any more George Bush attitude in Oslo. We want to get back the America that we know, love and admire.


Margrethe Geelmuyden
On behalf of ten neighbourhood associations around the Huseby forest.