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TV-aksjonen – NRKs broadcast to raise money for a charity

Since 1974 NRK have raised money for a charity with TV-aksjonen. The NRK Telethon is the largest information campaign and fundraising event in Norway.

Årets programleiarar

The NRK Telethon typically raises between 180 and 240 million NOK for a charity each year.


Every autumn this nationwide charity campaign raises money for a chosen cause. More than 100 000 people all over Norway to go door-to-door in their neighborhoods, asking for donations for this year's charity

All Norway taking part

The NRK Telethon is a big event who involves everyone from local communities to the Royal Family. On the day of the Telethon, NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation) broadcasts a long TV-show showing many fundraising activities happening across the country.

A live auction use to take place in the TV studio and various musicians and artists dedicated to the cause, perform on stage.

While money from the door-to door fundraisers is counted, viewers can in real-time check how their county is doing compared to others. This friendly competition is one of many elements making the NRK Telethon a unique national tradition.

Celebrities and spokespersons are also invited to feature in the world’s longest radio show hosted by P3, Norway’s biggest radio channel for youth and young adults. The program is 100 hours long and raised over 8.4 million NOK in 2021.

Tv-aksjonen 2021 med Christian Strand, Robert Stoltenberg og Anne Rimmen som jublar over innsamlinga så langt.

On the day of the Telethon, NRK broadcasts a long TV-show showing many fundraising activities.

Foto: Jane Rasmussen / NRK

Has a massive reach

The Telethon, with all its activities, has a massive reach in local, regional and national media. Local papers feature community members engaged in fundraising activities, and write stories to mobilize volunteers for the door-to-door campaign.

In the weeks leading up to the day itself, the NRK Telethon is one of the most visible news items in Norwegian media.

As part of the awareness campaign schools all over the country are invited to use a free online education program, based on the topic of the Telethon. The material is age appropriate and developed for students in primary and secondary school.

Different organization every year

The NRK Telethon is granted to a different Norwegian organization every year. NRK has an independent board of representatives that select who should be given the Telethon.

2022: Leger Uten Grenser (Médecins Sans Frontières, MSF) will have The NRK Telethon.

2023: Redd Barna (Save the Children) will have The NRK Telethon.

2024: Barnekreft­foreningen får TV-aksjonen i 2024

The NRK Telethon typically raises between 180 and 240 million NOK, and the organizations are given a timeframe of five years to implement their proposed projects.

Questions: Contact special adviser Erik Skarrud, email erik.skarrud@nrk.no - phone + 47 95 07 74 14.

Read more: Information about application for TV-aksjonen i NRK (in norwegian)

TV-aksjonen feirer 40 år i 2014, og kalles verdens største dugnad. TV-programmet har samlet folk i tv-stua samtidig som 100.000 bøssebærere og 7.000 frivillige har samlet inn penger til organisasjoner og bistandsprosjekter. Vi ser tilbake til hvordan det startet, og utviklingen frem til årets aksjon. Se også www.tvaksjonen.no

Since 1974 NRK have raised money for a charity with TV-aksjonen.